By Mernela Anez

A wonderful intimacy ensures a good marriage!

There are many myths and paradigms on the issue of having good sex between married couples, especially in the age when many of us grew up. It was a taboo for our parents to even talk about sex. There are many statistics on the issue of the number of times couples make love. The tendency is that being married decreases sexual activity and it ends up falling into the routine.
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This does not mean that if you’re 28 and have sex only once a week there is something wrong with you. On the contrary, you could be 70 years old and do it more often than once every three weeks. Many interviews worldwide reveal that couples believe that having sex regularly is an important factor in the quality of their life.

A healthy sex life is like an energizer for physical and mental health. Instead of ignoring this, an enjoyable intimate life should be the goal for the couple. If there were to be any physical impediment like an erectile dysfunction, it is advisable to seek a solution from an urologist because with medication this problem can be minimized. This is a part of life that men should pay attention because it is not just a problem for the individual, something it affects the lives of both partners. Do not overdue solving such problems.

Sometimes, we allow problems in our relationships to interfere in the bedroom dynamic.The sexual relationship is affected by this and it divides the couple, instead of uniting it. Both partners should avoid such behavior. It is true that it takes two to argue and only two can decide whether or not to allow disagreements turn into a cold war between the sheets.

Here are five things you can do as a couple to re-ignite the spark and have an enjoyable intimacy life:


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