Cutting Edge C.E. (formerly the Cutting Edge Music Business Conference) hosted its 27th Annual Music Conference this past August 21-24 held at Duncan Plaza, 343 Loyola Avenue. Cutting Edge Music Business Conference was started by Eric Cager in 1992 as a way to bring national music professionals and local music artists together.

Held annually for 4 days, the conference features successful music professionals that discuss entertainment business topics such as and not limited to Entertainment Law, Music Business, Film financing, tax credits, getting your music in films, booking gigs, touring, publicity, promotions and more.

In addition to hot topic discussions, musicians can play for the professionals, attend panels and network at the conference. This year’s conference sessions included Culture & History, Be an Entrepreneur, Artist Development, Women Succeeding in Music Parts I&II, The Hit Making Process, Songwriting, Interviews, Performances, Critiquing, Music Sync Licensing, Booking, Talent Disruption and Recording Academy – Non Profits Filling in the Blanks for Music Communities.

We got a chance to sit down with Mr. Cager, the conference’s creator to get an in-depth idea of this amazing annual networking event.

Shive: What is the cutting edge music conference?

Cutting Edge: Cutting Edge is an entertainment industry Conference and related events. We specialize in presenting information that we think will be helpful to attendee’s careers. We o produce programs in entertainment law, music business and film. Music artists perform to catch the eyes of the industry professionals.

Shive: How long have this been going on?
Cutting Edge: This is the 27th year.

Shive: How can an artist be a part of the conference?
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Cutting Edge: Artists can apply via the Cutting Edge website, select attend pick the box saying “artists showcase.” This will get you to the beginning of the process. Once you apply your music and presentation will be critiqued. From that process, artists are selected. Artists can also register as an attendee.

Shive: Is there a particular genre you guys target?

Cutting Edge: All genres of music are accepted. Understanding the entertainment business paperwork is our goal for the artists. All music is relevant. Everyone signs the same contracts.

Shive: This is such a big deal and there is a lot of planning involved, how do you maintain it all?

Cutting Edge: There is about four of us who work on the event incrementally all year(location, speakers, panels themes) Then we add folks interested in specific areas (law, roots music, music business, film), next the team that review the thousands of artists trying to showcase and finally production. As I said incrementally!

Shive: What is the ultimate goal for the conference?

Cutting Edge: Business connections.

Make sure you catch the conference next year. You won’t want to miss this.

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